Christmas soon

My mum keeps asking me what I want for Christmas. I’m really struggling to think of anything at all. I keep googling variants of “best gift ideas” and… I don’t know, I don’t think she’s going to buy me an iPhone or a £700 projector (????) and there’s only so many phone chargers and USB cables I really need in my life. The people who compile these lists are even less inspired than I am.

All I’ve really come up with is a miniature guitar amplifier, which seems like a better idea the more I think about it. I don’t play mine much since getting Monty because my setup is to plug into my PC and use a software amp simulator… but I don’t spend much non working time sat in front of my PC anymore, so the only time I really play is a few minutes here and there when I’m thinking (!). I think it’s a pretty good idea actually.

In nerd news:

First: I have decided to put Linux on my desktop PC. It is currently running Windows 10 and nagging me to upgrade to 11. I have 11 on my laptop. I can’t bring myself to install an operating system that puts adverts in my start menu. Especially when it costs over £100 for a license. I mean, wtf. So, Linux here I come. It’s been a while. I need to read up on the modern distributions but I’m thinking Manjaro at the moment.

Secondly: I have been a bit addicted to Vampire Survivors and Brotato on my Steam Deck. They are such simple games but so engaging. Vampire Survivors is interesting in the sense that it could reasonably be created by one person who has a strong grasp of programming, a weak grasp of art and a medium grasp of music… i.e me (actually I’m being unfair, the music is amazing).

So of course… I decided to make my own game. Yep. I have been playing around with Godot (game engine) and have been quite pleased with how quickly you can put things on screen. The problem I will have is the art side of it, but it’s all a learning experience. I have some vague ideas as to how to make it not just a Vampire Survivors clone, but we’ll see how it evolves.